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Callout 51

8th August 12.01am

TypeReports of flashing torches
Duration2 hours 30 mins
WeatherDark, clear
LocationRed Pike

The Team was called out after the police received multiple calls of flashing lights on the slopes of Red Pike, overlooking Buttermere. Experience suggested that it was probably wild campers, and as such a small number of team members made their way up the mountain to investigate. At around 01:20 the Team found two individuals happily camping near Bleaberry Tarn, after confirming there was nothing amiss the Team made their way home.

Callout 52

8th August 1.28am

TypeCampers in distress
Duration3 hours
WeatherDark, wet, windy
LocationScale Force, Buttermere

The Team was called to assist three individuals who were wild camping near Scale Force overlooking Crummock Water. They had set their tent up earlier in the evening, and then as darkness fell the weather turned. High winds damaged their tent and left them cold and disoriented. A small number of Team members made their way to Scale Force, dismantled the tent and escorted the individuals back their car in Buttermere.

Callout 53

15th August 1.16pm

TypeStranded campers
Duration2 hours
WeatherHeavy rain, windy
LocationLangstrath, Borrowdale

Cockermouth MRT were asked by Keswick MRT to assist with three campers who had become stuck on a river island in quickly rising waters in the Langstrath valley. Keswick MRT's full report here.

Callout 54

19th August 1.10pm

TypeWalker in difficulty
Duration1 hour 20 mins
WeatherHeavy rain, windy
LocationBlackbeck Tarn, Buttermere

A call came in from a walker, reporting they had come across an elderly walker unable to continue. Given the awful weather, an urgent full Team callout was made. As the vehicles made their way down the Buttermere valley, CMRT base reported that the informant had called the ambulance service and stood them down, as help was no longer needed. Given the Team was already on its way, the Team continued its way to the reported location to confirm all was well. As the first Team members ascended the Tramway track from Honister, they happened upon the informant, who confirmed that the walker was no longer in difficulty and had continued their walk to Gatesgarth with a large walking group.

Callout 55

21st August 12.43pm

TypeLost & cold walkers
Duration4 hours 30 mins
WeatherRain, dense cloud, storm force winds
LocationRed Pike, Buttermere

Three walkers reported themselves lost and very cold near the summit of Red Pike. A fast group of Team members ascended Red Pike, located the walking party, erected a shelter and began to warm them up, whilst a plan was agreed to bring them down the Buttermere side of the Pike, so as to be out of the wind as quickly as possible. Once the party was moving, they quickly warmed up and their spirits improved.

Callout 56

21st July 4.35pm

TypeLost walkers
Duration 50 mins
LocationEnnerdale Valley

A group of 3 walkers reported themselves completely lost in the Ennerdale Valley. With help from the Team Leader, they were guided to Ennerdale Youth Hostel to spend the night.

Callout 57

24th August 3.28pm

TypeFallen walker
Duration 2 hours 50 mins
WeatherVariable, windy
LocationGamlin End, Buttermere

A group of walkers contacted the Police to report that one of their party had fallen on the steep Gamlin End descent of High Crag. They had landed on their hand and sustained a suspected broken wrist. A Limited Callout was triggered and a few Team members went to assist the walkers back down the mountain. One Team member was already in the valley and was able to quickly ascend to the party. Having already used a bandage they had with them to position the arm comfortably, the casualty was assessed, before being supported down the path to mitigate further injury. The casualty then made their way to West Cumberland Infirmary for further treatment.

Callout 58

30th August 1.37pm

TypeExhausted walker
Duration25 mins
LocationHolme Force, Loweswater

A call came in about a walker who was unable to continue due to fatigue. A Team member in the area went to assess the situation, but a passing National Trust volunteer had already assisted the back to their vehicle and the Team were stood down.

Callout 59

31st August 2.22pm

TypeLost wild camper
Duration1 hour
LocationBorrowdale/Ennerdale area

Cumbria police contacted the Team to assist in the search for a walker who was on a multi-day trip in the Borrowdale & Ennerdale vallies, but had not checked in with their family as they had agreed. As the Team worked with the Police to agree a strategy, the walker reported their location back to their family, who contacted the Police to confirm all was well.

Callout 60

2nd September 10.34pm

TypeMissing person
Duration8 hours
WeatherDark, broken cloud
LocationWorkington area

Cumbria Police asked CMRT for help searching a large area of Workington for a missing person, who was eventually found safe and well.

Callouts 41 - 50 Callouts 61 - 70